Times are getting very challenging on just about every level and in every area of our lives. It seems like all of us are facing something that no earthly power–our own or others–can save us from. Thank God, our Father, for sending His Son into this fallen world to comfort and counsel us through all […]
My Inclination to Always Trust God
MY INCLINATION TO ALWAYS TRUST GOD I don’t know where I got this willingness to always trust the idea of God. To always trust in God. To always trust God. But I always did. I can’t remember when I didn’t. Ever. And since you don’t talk to people you don’t trust, I can see why […]
Hearing Him
Testimony recorded Feb. 5, 2007 I have lived to experience the most important aspect of the Atonement for me while I am still in mortality—personal revelation, personal communion with the Lord Jesus Christ, through His light and through the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost’s greatest gift to me is “the words of […]
Writing to Ponder and Hear
PERSONAL/SHARING AT THE ONLINE MEETING October 1, 2005 (Note the date. This is the text of a share I posted at the Heart t’ Heart online phone meeting on this day.) Hi. Colleen, here. Grateful to be here. Grateful for your friendship and fellowship in recovery. Grateful for the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus […]
Make Friends with Him
For the last 21 years, I’ve been blessed to live with one of my dearest friends, Phil Harrison. Many of you have heard him bear his unwavering testimony of our Savior in both song and spoken witness. As President Nelson lifts the standard high concerning hearing Christ’s counsel, I feel honored to share a portion […]
The Gift of Atonement
THE SUM AND THE SUBSTANCE OF THE WHOLE MATTER On pages 150-151 of The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Prophet Joseph explains just Who and What is being described in John 14:16-20. 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for […]
A Moment that Changed My Life: Put God First
Please let me apologize for this recent silence. As the months pass and Phil’s ALS grows more and more debilitating, I find my scripture capturing (personal application and journaling) from the He Did Deliver Me excercises becoming more and more one-on-one in seeking the counsel of the Lord and recording it. Recently, I did find this precious […]
Come Boldly
We do not need to prove worthy of our Savior’s rescue. Why? Because it’s impossible. Good morning! Getting through this first week of Book of Mormon/12 Step scripture exercises takes perseverance! It is returning and tuning my heart and mind to the exact truths I need to remember in order to lift me out of […]
Enduring in Christ
What motivates humans to change? Where do they get the power to change? Some motivational speakers say that you, yourself, have the power within you, and that is all you need to believe in, focus on and repeat to yourself. And that seems to work for some people. Then there are other people who can’t […]
Christ Immanuel–God With Us
One of the things that I had to grasp in coming to understand the true nature of God is not only His mercy and kindness, but His immediate availability to even a sinner like me (someone covered with the scars and battle worn from mortality–my sins and those committed against me.) I see that I […]