The Gift of Literacy October 5, 2013 There is something so amazing and so special and sacred about this ability to read and to write. This gift of literacy, in other words. To be able to read the words of someone who sat somewhere and penned them (or carved them) 100s and even 1,000s of […]
Writing to Ponder and Hear
PERSONAL/SHARING AT THE ONLINE MEETING October 1, 2005 (Note the date. This is the text of a share I posted at the Heart t’ Heart online phone meeting on this day.) Hi. Colleen, here. Grateful to be here. Grateful for your friendship and fellowship in recovery. Grateful for the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus […]
Too Precious to Waste
Warning! Stream of consciousness, lightly edited sharing ahead. Good morning! Just for the heck of it, I thought I’d share my first journal entry for this morning. PER/HERE AND NOW — July 11, 2020 4:44 am Okay. So this is today. This is how it begins. At not quite 3 am, I woke up and […]
What Is Required
This morning, while gleaning through my journal entries from April 2000, I found the following precious truth. I find that as I face this new challenge in my life (my sweetheart, Phil, losing strength by the month to ALS), I am needing to reread and glean strength for myself from my past journal entries. This […]
Your Life Deserves a Record
“ Latter-day Saint men and women”. . . must be men and women who weigh matters in their minds, men and women who consider carefully their course of life and the principles that they have espoused.” (Joseph F. Smith RS/PH manual, p. v.) I know of no greater tool for accomplishing this process of weighing […]
Telling Myself the Truth
For me, there’s no better way to promote a clear, sane mind than writing prayerful, scripture-guided morning pages. Nothing. Whether you type them or hand-write them. I find that most mornings, handwriting my morning pages works well for me. It feels good to scrawl across the page in whatever mood my whole soul (body and […]
Writing Through a Block
I’m so on fire about my memoir project. It’s a big one–wanting to write a series of from 5 to 8 books tracking God’s amazing gift to me of my life story, now that I can see it through His compassionate eyes. This morning, when I started, though, I couldn’t get past a block, past […]
Writing Prayerfully
Writing as I receive inspiration, insights, impressions (revelation) slows me down so that I take the time to let the eyes of my understanding work. In other words, so that pictures, vision of what the thought (words) means, can come into my mind. When I pray or ponder without writing I fly by the words […]
Writing to Treasue My Life
Stopping to write now and then throughout the day does not diminish or detract from the rest of my life–it gives me the rest of my life. The truth is the more I am willing to pay attention and record and treasure up the hours of my life–the more I get done in them. Not […]
The Most Irreplaceable Creature of All
It is tragic to me that people go through day after day of their lives, maybe their whole lives, and never write one thing down. I don’t mean letters to others or lists of things to do–I mean things about themselves, about what they think, feel, wish, hope, dream, care about, don’t care about. Don’t […]