Step 3 – As Often As Needed I have learned that turning my will and my life over to God is not a one time event. I’ve heard some people give talks and say that it has been like that for them–a one time, flip of a switch, deal. But for me, for whatever reason, […]
Nothing Tastes as Good
Every day, I have to accept the truth that my body doesn’t metabolize carbs like an average person. That doesn’t mean that I can’t eat any carbs. It just means I can’t eat any carbs that are refined (i.e. have no fiber/roughage connected). In other words, 90% of the carbs I eat need to have […]
Beyond Food Addiction
In 1991 I wrote a book entitled He Did Deliver Me from Bondage.* I originally wrote it with the intention (assignment from the Spirit of the Lord) to demonstrate how the principles in the Twelve Steps could be used to bring a person, one step at a time, down into the depths of humility and […]
Letting God Flip the Switch
And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ,… Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him… (Omni 1:26) Here, in this verse, is the entire answer to freedom from compulsive behavior for me. This is the whole solution to changing my heart. My heart […]
The Sweet Bread of Truth
And I beheld that it was most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted.(1 Nephi 8:11). That’s how Lehi describes the fruit of the tree of life, which is later shown to represent the love of God. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth […]
Trust Me! I’ll Catch You!
We react sanely and normally, and we find that this has happened automatically. We will see that our new attitude toward [food] has been given to us without any thought or effort on our part. It just comes! That is the miracle of it. (Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 85.) I went in the kitchen, like I […]
Treating My Unhealthy Eating Like an Addiction
Well, today is my fifth day back on the path of treating my unhealthy eating tendencies as an addiction. That means that I have let go of trying to manage my urge to eat with outside-in techniques and I’ve started paying attention to my inside-life (thoughts and feelings) first. That’s where my unhealthy eating always […]
An Addiction, Not Just a Bad Habit
The first thing I have to remember is that my unhealthy eating is an addiction and not just a bad habit that I can get under control. You can tell your bad habit has morphed into an addiction when you try and try and try (for weeks, months and even years if you’re as stubborn […]
Drunken, and Not with Wine
This morning, as I sit down to write today’s entry for this blog, I see in “hindsight,” as they call it, just what good might be coming from having “gone off the deep end” over the last four days. I can see that in this condition, I can write to you out of the midst […]
Another Trip Around the Mulberry Bush
Wow! What a trip around the proverbial “mulberry bush” I take every time I get caught up in yet one more vain attempt to manage my eating of unhealthy carbohydrate foods. That, for me, is the EXACT equivalent of an alcoholic trying to manage his alcohol consumption. I think the phrase “vain attempt” fits really […]