Jacob 5:48-60 In this section of verses the Lord and His servant decide to graft back the original branches, meanwhile only removing those wild ones that bear the MOST bitter fruit (v. 57). Do you hear what I hear? I hear the mercy and kindness of the Lord, His long-suffering, patience and forgiveness and tolerance. […]
Step 3 – AOAN
Step 3 – As Often As Needed I have learned that turning my will and my life over to God is not a one time event. I’ve heard some people give talks and say that it has been like that for them–a one time, flip of a switch, deal. But for me, for whatever reason, […]
Come Boldly
We do not need to prove worthy of our Savior’s rescue. Why? Because it’s impossible. Good morning! Getting through this first week of Book of Mormon/12 Step scripture exercises takes perseverance! It is returning and tuning my heart and mind to the exact truths I need to remember in order to lift me out of […]