Times are getting very challenging on just about every level and in every area of our lives. It seems like all of us are facing something that no earthly power–our own or others–can save us from. Thank God, our Father, for sending His Son into this fallen world to comfort and counsel us through all […]
Jacob 5: Testimony of God’s Mercy
Jacob 5:48-60 In this section of verses the Lord and His servant decide to graft back the original branches, meanwhile only removing those wild ones that bear the MOST bitter fruit (v. 57). Do you hear what I hear? I hear the mercy and kindness of the Lord, His long-suffering, patience and forgiveness and tolerance. […]
LDS 12 Step Insights – Jacob 5
Jacob 5 — LDS 12 Step Book of Mormon Insights The fifth chapter of Jacob is second only to the Isaiah passages for being a mystery and headache to the casual Book of Mormon student. Olive orchards, olive trees; old ones, new ones, tame, wild, natural; plucking, grafting, planting and transplanting–what in the world does […]