Times are getting very challenging on just about every level and in every area of our lives. It seems like all of us are facing something that no earthly power–our own or others–can save us from. Thank God, our Father, for sending His Son into this fallen world to comfort and counsel us through all the discouragement we are tempted to feel.
John 14:18 — “I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you.
Alma 37:37 — “Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; . . .”
15 years ago, in 2007, the Lord blessed me to write the following thoughts in my journal. This morning, he led me back to them and invited me to share them here:
November 16, 2007
I am so grateful to know for myself, that it is no affront to the Father for us to cry out to His Son for saving. That is exactly what the Father sent Jesus into this world to do for us. That is Jesus’ commission from the Father. This is the place where the Father is overjoyed to have us turn to Jesus and open a relationship directly with Him and open an ongoing conversation with Him through the two channels of spiritual light and knowledge–the Light of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Both of those channels of influence are going to whisper into your mind and heart the exact same thoughts, words, impressions, pictures, images, “visions” that the Father Himself would convey to you. Christ speaks only those things that the Father has given Him to speak. The Holy Ghost speaks only those things which Christ gives Him to speak.
Oh, how I wish I could convey to the Latter-day Saints that they are not offending the Father by conversing with His Son as one man with another. Oh, how I wish I could persuade the Saints to realize that there is a reason why the Savior was sent into our world, and He is waiting to come into our individual lives—one heart, one mind, one person at a time.
That is the only way that we, as a people, are ever going to become as one in heart and mind—for each of us to come to Christ and partake of His Spirit, His Light, His mind, His heart. We are never going to connect heart to heart, in a way that can sufficiently heal any of us—unless we go to Him to do so. We must meet each other in Christ.
That is the way Zion will be organized. Not by the theories and learning of men, but by the Spirit and Mind of Christ filling each one of us. But to do this, each soul must come to Him voluntarily.
No one is forced or compelled or coerced to seek this Jesus of whom the prophets have testified. No one.
P.S. — How grateful I am, today, for President Nelson’s prophetic invitation to come unto Christ and open a personal relationship with Him. Zion is being established among us, one heart at a time!
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