He Did Deliver Me From Bondage is the book that introduced the Twelve Steps of recovery to the LDS Church.
In a step-by-step approach, He Did Deliver Me uses the Book of Mormon and the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ as they correlate with the Twelve-Step program to overcome compulsive addictive behaviors and other life problems.
He Did Deliver Me had its origin in research done by Colleen as she looked for confirmation within the pages of the Book of Mormon of the principles found in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Colleen reasoned that if these principles helped alcoholics and other addicts find recovery, they must be part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Her search uncovered a multitude of verses teaching the principles found in each of the steps. These verses formed the framework for He Did Deliver Me From Bondage.
First published in 1992, He Did Deliver Me was adopted in 1995 by LDS Family Services (then LDS Social Services) as the only text used in their LDS Addiction Recovery Program.
To date, more than 150,000 copies have been sold, definitely making it the #1 best-selling LDS Twelve Step recovery book.
Available as Paperback and eBook.
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