And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ,… Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him… (Omni 1:26)
Here, in this verse, is the entire answer to freedom from compulsive behavior for me. This is the whole solution to changing my heart.
My heart is changed when I offer it as part of a package deal with my whole soul (body, heart, mind, life, and will) unto Him. I imagine myself giving Him permission to be in charge of my entire life. I let Him flip the switch of weakness in my heart to the OFF position.
In my case, that switch controls overeating generally, and eating refined carbs (junk food) specifically. I also have a switch for unwise spending. I do a fair share of that unless I allow Him access to my whole soul/life.
Once the switch is flipped, though, I have no need to diet or to budget. I’m not living by the letter of the law—or rather, by the numbers. I’m living as one with the truth. I have surrendered to the truth about my body—that it can’t metabolize grains and sugars in a normal, average way. I have surrendered to the truth about my budget—that it can’t sustain mindless spending, just because it feels good.
Don’t think I’m describing some sort of an exchange or bargain between Him and I, either. It’s the farthest thing from it. This offering has no strings attached. It is simply my offering to love God—to love Him enough to trust my life to Him, to love Him enough to surrender my bitterness about certain things in my life to Him. Instead I trust that all things—including eating and spending—are part of His allotment of challenges to me in this life.
Prayerful thought: Dear Lord, abstaining becomes my new normal when I offer my whole soul (self) to Thee, allowing Thee to bear me off triumphant over my weaknesses.
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