The Gift of Literacy
October 5, 2013
There is something so amazing and so special and sacred about this ability to read and to write.
This gift of literacy, in other words.
To be able to read the words of someone who sat somewhere and penned them (or carved them) 100s and even 1,000s of years ago is mind-boggling, if you think about it!
It is like time folds together and you are receiving what that person thought was most precious to share. And to write down what is most precious to our own hearts and “keep” it, as in CHERISH the thoughts and feelings that we have in response to what the other person testified of.
What a blessing it is to me to use this tool of writing. It slows my mind and heart down. It helps me meditate upon the words I’m listening to or reading.
Are you still active on this website? I am a longtime reader/user of He Did Deliver Me From Bondage. One of the church’s videos on the addiction program was about me. Step 4. My wife and I lead a 12 step meeting out of our home for almost a decade and now we’ve bought some land and are trying to start up a little retreat for teenagers who are struggling along with a self sustaining homestead. We live off grid and are very remote. Currently we have 2 boys we are helping and our son who is going on his mission this year. For the decade we ran the adult group I have been using your book as a tool for sponsoring people. I would like to adapt the program for youth and non-members who are learning. I was hoping I could strike up a correspondence with you in an effort to attain permission to use your appendix Benjamin’s Promises under the name of Benjamin’s Twelve Steps as an alumni/refresher course or lesson. Also, thank you. You are a hero. It cannot be overstated. You are as close to a woman prophet as I’ve ever heard of. You’ve definitely been blessed and endowed with more spiritual gifts than I’ve ever seen in any other;). You have channeled a beautiful tool of The Saviors into reality through your faith. Thank you thank you.
I just found my way to your comment! I do apologize for taking so long. I’m not very good with tech stuff, and my friend who was helping me create this blog has been unable to help me with it for the last couple of years. That, compounded with my husband Phil’s passing and my being diagnosed with Parkinson’s has slowed me down a bit.
I would be honored for you to use Benjamin’s Promises to help others. I would only request that you do so with a footnote that explains its connection to He Did Deliver Me from Bondage. You are right to attribute HDDMFB and all that “I” have done to a gift from God. As John 15:5 states plainly, the Source of what I share. As for myself, I am like King Benjamin declared, only a mortal and subject to all manner of infirmities in body and mind (Mosiah 2:10). Nevertheless, I thank you for recognizing our Savior’s kindness to me.
Colleen Harrison