“ Latter-day Saint men and women”. . . must be men and women who weigh matters in their minds, men and women who consider carefully their course of life and the principles that they have espoused.” (Joseph F. Smith RS/PH manual, p. v.)
I know of no greater tool for accomplishing this process of weighing matters in one’s mind and carefully considering the course of one’s life and the principles one lives by than that of writing.
This life is a glorious adventure and a most serious and solemn quest. We are here to have joy and to find answers, to gain further light and knowledge and to recover our former knowledge and relationship with God.
And all of this adventure and solemn quest deserves a record to be kept. The person who says, “I have nothing to write about,” has not awakened, but is living life like an automaton. You could write about the back of your own hand.
Beverly says
I couldn’t agree more! Writing is a gift from God. Thank you for what you write and share, it has blessed my life!
Colleen says
Thanks, Beverly, for your message.