There is an old adage: As a man thinketh, so is he. I’ve learned, though, that I can change my behavior and even my thinking (internal vocabulary and dialogue), but if my beliefs are not changed, my recovery is not yet heart deep. Finding recovery through the 12 Step program is not just a cognitive […]
What Is Required
This morning, while gleaning through my journal entries from April 2000, I found the following precious truth. I find that as I face this new challenge in my life (my sweetheart, Phil, losing strength by the month to ALS), I am needing to reread and glean strength for myself from my past journal entries. This […]
Seeking the Mysteries of God
…and also having great desires to know of the mysteries of God. (1 Nephi 2:16) For the first several decades I was in the Church, I occasionally heard solemn, fearful admonitions to avoid the “mysteries.” I leaned on that borrowed testimony from others and believed it—hook, line, and sinker—until I began to search, pray and […]
Do You Really Desire to Believe?
YOU TRY TO BELIEVE, BUT DO YOU REALLY DESIRE TO BELIEVE? In Alma 32:27 we are taught that desire is the power behind belief, that it is the foundation upon which belief rests. I have found that it is possible for me to give “lip-service” to believing that the Savior can deliver me from my […]