Testimony recorded Feb. 5, 2007 I have lived to experience the most important aspect of the Atonement for me while I am still in mortality—personal revelation, personal communion with the Lord Jesus Christ, through His light and through the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost’s greatest gift to me is “the words of […]
Make Friends with Him
For the last 21 years, I’ve been blessed to live with one of my dearest friends, Phil Harrison. Many of you have heard him bear his unwavering testimony of our Savior in both song and spoken witness. As President Nelson lifts the standard high concerning hearing Christ’s counsel, I feel honored to share a portion […]
The Gift of Atonement
THE SUM AND THE SUBSTANCE OF THE WHOLE MATTER On pages 150-151 of The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Prophet Joseph explains just Who and What is being described in John 14:16-20. 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for […]
Our Errand from the Lord
Jacob1:17 …having first obtained mine errand from the Lord. In this verse Jacob is sharing with us the actions he took after he first “obtained [his] errand from the Lord.” This is exactly what we need to do every day of our lives—obtain our errand from the Lord. We need to set aside […]
A Powerful Antidote for Stress
FAITH IN CHRIST IS A POWERFUL ANTIDOTE FOR STRESS As I was counseling with the Lord this morning and expressing my fear of the degree of stress I am living with now that Phil’s health is failing, He reminded me of how terribly stressful life has been for so many souls throughout history. He invited […]
Christ Immanuel–God With Us
One of the things that I had to grasp in coming to understand the true nature of God is not only His mercy and kindness, but His immediate availability to even a sinner like me (someone covered with the scars and battle worn from mortality–my sins and those committed against me.) I see that I […]
Awakening to a Serious Study of the Book of Mormon, Pt3
Slowing Down and Finding So Much to Ponder In Just One Verse So it is that, in all humility, I would like to share here, the richness and depth of five personal applications/insights that the Lord opened to me in just the very first verse of the Book of Mormon—1 Nephi 1:1 and convinced me […]
Awakening to a Serious Study of the Book of Mormon (pt 2)
Finding the Headlines, Applying Them to My Own Story One day, as I was correlating the teachings of the Book of Mormon with the principles in the Twelve Step program of recovery, checking the steps against the most correct book ever written, with the hope growing in my heart that there could someday be an […]
Commanded vs Counseled
This morning, as I was writing in my journal I was reminded of the “mystery” of how it is that the Lord would inspire His Prophet to testify to us: “The constant and recurring question in our minds, touching every thought and action of our lives, should be, ‘Lord, what wilt thou have me to […]
Omni 1:26 – Come Unto Christ
This morning, as I began my morning meditation, the scripture that came to my mind from the Holy Spirit was Omni 1:26. I was invited to “liken” it to myself and hear it directly addressed to me. Hear it, as in perceive it and receive it into my heart. Thus, through the Spirit, I heard: […]