Finding the Headlines, Applying Them to My Own Story
One day, as I was correlating the teachings of the Book of Mormon with the principles in the Twelve Step program of recovery, checking the steps against the most correct book ever written, with the hope growing in my heart that there could someday be an 12 Step addiction recovery program specifically for LDS members, I came to following words in Jacob 1:4:
And if there were preaching which was sacred, or revelation which was great, or prophesying, that I should engraven the heads of them upon these plates, and touch upon them as much as it were possible, for Christ’s sake, and for the sake of our people.
Since being in recovery (awakening to the principles that lead one to experience the redeeming grace of Christ) is the equivalent of regaining a believing heart, I found myself willing to believe that God would hear and answer my prayers through the “words of Christ” or in other words the words of Truth, if I were willing to trust His promise to do so. (See 2 Nephi 32:3.) In other words, my study of the principles of recovery magnified by the example of the prophets of the Book of Mormon, was restoring some of that childlike innocence and trust of God that I had as a little child, and I really believed He would answer me. I believed that He could and would converse with me, give me answering thoughts that would whisper wisdom and understanding into my mind.
And so, I asked, point blank, “Lord, the words, ‘the heads of them’ sound strange and yet strangely familiar to my mind. They catch my attention. What would Thou have me pause here and learn from these words?” Almost instantly (and with a smile I could feel), I perceived the Lord convey to my mind the words, “Think of what you are used to calling ‘headlines,’ Colleen. That is what Nephi told Jacob to engrave upon the plates–the heads of them–the briefest summary of the most sacred parts.”
“But Lord,” I continued, like the boldly inquisitive child He has taught me He desires and even enjoys me to be, “If the verses of the Book of Mormon are only made up of the headlines, how do I get to read the ‘rest of the story’ that goes with each one? I mean, Lord . . . headlines only serve to whet a reader’s appetite or get a reader’s attention.”
With a continued smile (I swear you can feel His smile–in other words, you can feel His good humor, His patience, His delight with you coming to Him for counsel), He conveyed to me, “That is the part that will be opened to you as you seek to liken the words and phrases you underline to your life, and live closer and closer to the light of my Spirit by making such a serious study of this book.”
Pt 3 scheduled for Saturday, May 12.
Such powerful truths and lessons. I am hanging on every word and have been since part one. I can hardly wait for part three! This resonates so much and is so familiar. My own journeys through the Book of Mormon have been similarly instructive, albeit not on this level. One day I hope to reach the heights that you have scaled
Thanks, Jenny. I’m so grateful to share. President Benson once said we need to “sup” from the Book of Mormon. He said that this old-fashioned word originally meant to partake slowly, to savor. I went to the dictionary and found this definition: to take food and especially liquid food into the mouth a little at a time.
What an awesome comparison that image is: to take the scriptures “a little at a time.” To savor.