THE LORD ALONE Step 1 – day 2 (p.13) 2 Nephi 12:11 – And it shall come to pass that the lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. From the first 12 step recovery meetings I […]
Here Again-Step One
Carnal-mindedness means caring more about things that will die (pass away) than those things that have eternal significance and will live eternally. It’s so easy, being mortal, to slip back into seeking hope and fulfillment in carnal (temporal, of this physical realm) things. Scripture Capturing Exercise 1 (p. 13) Remember, to be carnally–minded is death, […]
I Teach Them Correct Principles
At Phil’s recent ALS checkup, we were told his decline in this coming year would be much harder to bear than the last 16 months since his diagnosis. Over the next few days, I found myself under siege, attacked with such fear and grief. Watching Phil’s decline this past year has been a constant source […]
Expedient: Here & Now
It is so expedient (immediately advantageous, beneficial, timely) that I look to my Savior first thing every morning to survive my life at this point, being 70 years old, dealing with severe spinal stenosis and caring for my dear husband whose body is “aging” in weakness as if one year is ten. The shock is […]
A Powerful Antidote for Stress
FAITH IN CHRIST IS A POWERFUL ANTIDOTE FOR STRESS As I was counseling with the Lord this morning and expressing my fear of the degree of stress I am living with now that Phil’s health is failing, He reminded me of how terribly stressful life has been for so many souls throughout history. He invited […]
What Is Required
This morning, while gleaning through my journal entries from April 2000, I found the following precious truth. I find that as I face this new challenge in my life (my sweetheart, Phil, losing strength by the month to ALS), I am needing to reread and glean strength for myself from my past journal entries. This […]
Awakening to a Serious Study of the Book of Mormon, Pt3
Slowing Down and Finding So Much to Ponder In Just One Verse So it is that, in all humility, I would like to share here, the richness and depth of five personal applications/insights that the Lord opened to me in just the very first verse of the Book of Mormon—1 Nephi 1:1 and convinced me […]
Writing Through a Block
I’m so on fire about my memoir project. It’s a big one–wanting to write a series of from 5 to 8 books tracking God’s amazing gift to me of my life story, now that I can see it through His compassionate eyes. This morning, when I started, though, I couldn’t get past a block, past […]
The Perfect Day
Years ago, I read a poem that described a woman’s day filled with constant responsibilities, a day in which she worked from dawn to dark and only then did she allow herself to rest and rejoice in coming to the end of a “perfect day.” I truly thought to work continuously, stopping for as little […]
Omni 1:26 – Come Unto Christ
This morning, as I began my morning meditation, the scripture that came to my mind from the Holy Spirit was Omni 1:26. I was invited to “liken” it to myself and hear it directly addressed to me. Hear it, as in perceive it and receive it into my heart. Thus, through the Spirit, I heard: […]