At Phil’s recent ALS checkup, we were told his decline in this coming year would be much harder to bear than the last 16 months since his diagnosis. Over the next few days, I found myself under siege, attacked with such fear and grief. Watching Phil’s decline this past year has been a constant source of deep sorrow. How could I escape the bondage I felt was rising up and dragging me down into hopelessness again? I prayed to know.
Then, last week, I received a message from a sister who shared how she had had He Did Deliver Me from Bondage on her shelf for several years, but had not started using it as a workbook, but was now ready to start “doing the work.” (i.e. writing responses to the scripture capturing exercises leading into each chapter.)
Immediately, I felt the Lord light-up her words to me and I knew I was receiving my answer from Him. He was inviting me to do the same thing–to go back to Step One and begin applying these true principles and these powerful scripture exercises to my current otherwise inescapable situation.
So, here I am, this morning, intending to do just that, but, just as I I opened the book, the Spirit of the Lord brought one praise to my mind: “I teach them correct principles,” which is the title to the Introductory Discussion in He Did Deliver Me, page 1.
The greatest truth in learning to govern myself comes from learning and relearning these correct principle over and over as often as needed. In other words, returning to them. In other words repenting as often as necessary.
Repenting means returning or turning again. Turning again to the true principles that the Liar, Satan, is continuously enticing me to forget. Turning to the true principles that will put me in tune with my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Author of all Truth as well as of all Peace.
Just getting back in touch with this truth,that I have this lifeline of true principles, each one of which turns my heart toward Christ, toward “He who is mighty to save” (D&C 133:47), and I feel my fear of this coming year already diminishing.
Prayerful thought: Dear Father, I thank Thee for the years I have known these principles and for all the times they have kept me close to Thy Son, my Savior. Especially on this first morning after Easter, how sweet it is to be invited yet again to place my heart and mind on Him and to trust Thee in all things.
Phil says
Thank you, Love, for your example of returning to true principles, and to the Giver of those principles.