But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance. (1 Nephi 1:20) To make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance. Do those words pull at […]
What is Essential to Recovery
. . . having been born of goodly parents I, too, have been born of goodly parents–even GODLY Parents–a Father and Mother in Heaven. I too, was taught in all the learning of my Father (and Mother) while I was there. I have seen many afflictions in the course of my mortal life, but I […]
Willing to Be Free
Wanting and willing are two different things. Wanting is stomping up and down, demanding, insisting. Wanting is pouting, whining, wallowing in self-will and self-pity. I can want to be free, but still not be willing to do anything to cooperate with my want. In other words, I can pray and I can plead and I […]
A Great Knowledge of God’s Goodness
Coming to Know the Goodness of God. In the light of 12-step guided scripture study, I began to realize that in spite of all my outward professions of belief in God over my lifetime, I had serious doubts about His goodness. As I have recovered a closer consciousness of God since coming into recovery, I […]
Owning the Truth About My Childhood
Before I began to get rigorously, deeply honest with myself about my childhood and allowed myself to grieve the deficits and losses I experienced in it, I was “put off” by Nephi from the second he introduced himself. He kept sharing, but I quit relating. My mind sort of shut down, my eyes glazed over, […]
“I, Nephi . . .” First Person, Singular
The first requirement for recovery is to be willing to speak from your own heart, from what in English usage is called the “first person, singular” voice or perspective. It is to be willing to think about and talk and/or write about your own experiences, your own life, your own sadness, pain, loss, fear, resentment, […]