Owning the Truth About My Childhood: “. . . having been born of goodly parents, . . .” Before I began to get rigorously honest about my very challenging childhood and allowed myself to grieve the deficits and losses I experienced in it, I was “put off” by Nephi from the second he introduced himself […]
What is Essential to Recovery
. . . having been born of goodly parents I, too, have been born of goodly parents–even GODLY Parents–a Father and Mother in Heaven. I too, was taught in all the learning of my Father (and Mother) while I was there. I have seen many afflictions in the course of my mortal life, but I […]
Owning the Truth About My Childhood
Before I began to get rigorously, deeply honest with myself about my childhood and allowed myself to grieve the deficits and losses I experienced in it, I was “put off” by Nephi from the second he introduced himself. He kept sharing, but I quit relating. My mind sort of shut down, my eyes glazed over, […]