So many people tell us that we can just choose or will-power our way out of negative feelings. That may be true for some, but I have to admit that I have experienced feelings that persisted no matter how hard I tried to not “choose” them, or that returned the instant I stopped whatever I was doing to avoid them.
It has taken me down into the depths of humility to finally admit I have negative feelings that I can’t exert enough will-power to eliminate from my heart. This is when I realized that I had done all that I could do, and that I had come to the end of myself. I had hit the end of my rope.
In the original 12 Step program expression: I had hit a bottom. In other words, I had lost the ability to simply choose.
In LDS gospel expression: I had forfeited my agency.
This is when I finally realized that I needed Jesus Christ to be “my Jesus,” just as Nephi had taught me I could call my Savior. (1) Only in and through Him can I find salvation from the negative (lie-based) feelings that I cannot will away or pretend away. (2)
(1) 2 Nephi 33:6
(2) Mosiah 3:17
Phil Harrison says
Thanks for posting this, Colleen. I agree. I find there are times when the only way I can get out of negative feelings is with divine help. Sometimes I ask the Lord to send me the Holy Ghost (“The Comforter”{) when I need comforting. It is true that the Lord is willing to give us much more help if we just ask Him.